Understanding Part G: A Homeowner’s Guide to UK Water Regulations

When embarking on a home renovation or building a new property in the UK, it's crucial to understand Part G of the Building Regulations. This regulation is designed to ensure that water is used efficiently, that hot water systems are safe, and that sanitation is up to standard. For homeowners, compliance with Part G is not only a legal requirement but also a way to contribute to the UK's sustainability goals. You can learn more about Part G Regulations on GOV.UK here

What is Part G?

Part G covers several key areas related to water use in residential properties. It sets out requirements for water efficiency, hot water safety, and sanitation. The goal is to ensure that homes are both environmentally friendly and safe for occupants.

  1. Water Efficiency: One of the most significant aspects of Part G is the requirement to limit water consumption to 125 litres per person per day. This is achieved through the installation of water-efficient fixtures, such as low-flow taps, dual-flush toilets, and water-saving showerheads. For homeowners, this means that any new construction or renovation project must include these features to comply with the regulation.

  2. Hot Water Safety: Part G also addresses the safety of hot water systems. Scalding is a serious risk, particularly for children and the elderly, so the regulations ensure that hot water systems are designed and installed to minimise this danger. This includes requirements for the temperature of stored hot water and the installation of thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) that control water temperature.

  3. Sanitation and Hygiene: Ensuring that all areas of a home have an adequate water supply for sanitation is another important aspect of Part G. This includes provisions for bathrooms, kitchens, and utility areas to ensure that they meet the necessary standards for cleanliness and hygiene. If you need expert advice on implementing these standards in your home, consider consulting with professionals like ATSPACE Ltd who specialise in building compliance and testing.

Why is Part G Important for Homeowners?

Adhering to Part G is more than just a legal requirement; it offers several benefits for homeowners:

  • Environmental Impact: By reducing water consumption, homeowners contribute to the UK’s efforts to combat climate change and preserve water resources. Efficient water use is increasingly important as the country faces more frequent droughts and water shortages.

  • Cost Savings: Water-efficient homes can also lead to lower utility bills. By installing fixtures that use less water, homeowners can reduce their water usage and, subsequently, their water bills. Additionally, energy savings can be realised through more efficient hot water systems.

  • Property Compliance: Homes that comply with Part G are legally sound and ready for sale or rent. While compliance is mandatory, homeowners can also explore exceeding the minimum standards for added sustainability and efficiency benefits.

  • Safety: Hot water safety regulations protect occupants from the risk of scalding, providing peace of mind, especially for families with young children or elderly relatives.

Tips for Homeowners on Complying with Part G

  1. Install Water-Efficient Fixtures: If you’re renovating or building a new home, make sure to include water-efficient fixtures. Look for products with the Water Efficiency Label to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

  2. Ensure Safe Hot Water Installations: Work with qualified plumbers and heating engineers to install hot water systems that comply with safety regulations. Consider installing TMVs to regulate water temperature.

  3. Plan for the Future: As sustainability becomes more critical, regulations may become stricter. By exceeding current requirements where possible, you can future-proof your home and avoid the need for costly upgrades later.

  4. Consult with Professionals: When planning any building or renovation work, it’s advisable to consult with professionals who are familiar with Part G regulations. This ensures that your project will be compliant and helps you avoid any issues during inspections.


Part G of the Building Regulations is essential for anyone planning to build or renovate a home in the UK. By understanding and complying with these regulations, homeowners can ensure that their properties are safe, sustainable, and efficient. Not only does this help meet legal requirements, but it also offers long-term benefits in terms of cost savings, environmental impact, and property value. For those looking to make their homes future-ready, paying attention to water efficiency and hot water safety is a must.

Whether you're a homeowner or a developer, staying informed about Part G is vital for creating homes that are fit for the future.