Simply said, water harvesting is the process of gathering rainwater for use by people, plants, and animals. It is also possible to collect other types of water, such as dew and fog.
Grey water is the relatively clean wastewater from household activities like bathing, dishwashing, and laundry. Unlike black water from toilets, grey water can be recycled for uses such as irrigation and toilet flushing. By reusing grey water, we can conserve water, reduce utility bills, and lessen the environmental impact.
Water is one of the most essential resources for all living beings on Earth. It is crucial for our survival and plays a vital role in sustaining ecosystems. However, the world is facing a water crisis due to increasing population, urbanisation, and climate change. It is more important than ever to conserve water for the future generations and the health of our planet.
In recent years, the topic of water conservation and efficiency has become increasingly important. With growing populations and limited resources, it is crucial that we all do our part to conserve water. One way to do this is by implementing low flow water efficiency measures in our homes and businesses.